What does it actually mean to use a Blog??
What to put on a Blog??
For these two questions, I had to think about before starting to write this blog. The second question for me is the hardest to start off on.
To me, a blog has been something that I used for personal reasons to keep in touch with my friends that I don't see very often and see what they are doing. It hasn't been something that I use to post to very often but it gives me access to my friends blog for content that they don't want the whole world to know as well as a easy way to follow their blogs.
This is due to Blogs having 3 type of information in them that is accessible (not all blogs have this and may have different names).
- Public Content and Access = everyone can see and read the post. You need to be careful and understand what information you are allowing any person in the world to see. Or more importantly, sometimes the post is about information that you don't what a certain person to know about.
- Friends Content and Access = people that you have given permission to have extra access, not all the people that follow your Blog. You need to have a idea who this person is in some way because otherwise what is the point of giving them extra access to your Blog? You are removing the reason behind the Friend only access. You need to remember that once you have given permission, you can take it away when ever you like.
- Private Content and Access = Only you the author can see and read the information. This is one way to have a diary and no one can access or see this information.
This Blog is just one aspect of Stepham who could be just an aspect of a unknown person. This depends what I have decided to write in this Blog and make available for you to see. If I decide to write under another name or in a different place, another aspect may be viewed to all or to a select few.
This is what it means to use a Blog.
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