Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I just want to say to everyone, enjoy your holidays and Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. 

Enjoy this video of my favourite Stars,  THE MUPPETS!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Just for the Library Girls

Just got this through my RSS feed and though some of you may like it.

Enjoy watching.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Finishing Web 2.0 Addiction central part 1

I have had great fun over these 10 weeks of training. As I have stated in the Title of this blog, it was in part Addiction central.  Many of the things that we covered in this training was known to me but I hadn't used it before, a few I did not know at all or have had a bit of a play with before.

At the end of the day they fell in 3 areas, will use in future, will not use and addicted to.

While it was interesting to find out about and use Facebook, flickr and Geocashing, I am not interested in them for personal use but could use them in a library setting.

All the other things that we have learn, I will be using for myself and looking to use them in the library system if possible. They have also lead me to other areas which I have found fun and useful.

I am now admitting that I am addicted to Twitter, YouTube and RSS feeds. Once I had used them a couple of times, I could not stop. I am not asking for help to stop but your and my workmates understanding that I do have addiction which I am working to control. I am restricting the time I go on them but am still very happy to view any fun Videos that you send to me, like the Muppet's.

Mel and Mark thanks for the great work you have done and I am looking forward to doing more training in Web 2.0 Addiction central.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


At the beginning I was thinking that you could use Geocaching in the library quite usefully during school holidays or marking where the library was.  but after looking into it a bit futher, I don't think is is totally suitable.   I think that what they now call Waymarking would work better.

Waymarking is Geocaching  but for location not a cache of something (like a log book).  We could Waymark the libraries and may be have a hunt for places in the libraries and the actual library location itself as part of a scavenger hunt of the CoS library system. 

We could also update it for different events in the library as well.

Podcasts in Librarys

I must say that I do like podcasts, and I have found some that have interested me out there like from the ABC (Australia for the international people).  They are great for things that you miss due to the time they are on or the location (or find the podcast online).  Subscriptions also make it very easy to use as you don't have to worry download them.

But Library podcasts is hit and miss.  Firstly they need to be continuous and have some order to them.  Some of the libraries that I looked at had stopped adding podcasts or the link no longer worked. This has the effect of the searcher being no longer interested in looking at the podcasts that are there. Also the podcasts need to follow the feel/job of all online library presences. They need to be interesting and fun, not to be mistaken with hip.  Hip doesn't always work as it can date which puts people or audience groups off.

I believe we need to plan what the aims of the podcasts will be before we start to use them and also who the audience/s are.  If this is done I think the library can use podcasts for events and changes/educating patrons about the library..

Friday, December 10, 2010


As soon as I hear that we were going to do YouTube I thought of this video. It is one of my favourite, and not just for the difference to a normal car review but due to the last part of the review, 'What if I'm asked to take part in a beach assult with the Royal Marines?' I have no idea how they got permission to do it but it's great that they did and I know what car I want to go on a beach with.

Now, to look at YouTube as a whole.

There is quite a lot of stuff that is not interesting or fun out there but there is also a lot of fun stuff out there, like the TopGear segments and the Muppets. The problem that can come up is stopping watching (or have a break from) things that are fun to watch. Also, if you what to have a presence on YouTube and keep people interested, it need to be of good quality and have some fun with it as well, even if it is informitive. The Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library (US)have a great idea but they also need in my opinion some fun as well to get people coming back. They can inform the public but they also need to catch and engage them as well.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things that come up in flickr

I was just playing around in Flickr and put in the search Perth + dogs + fun.  From the photos that came up, there were some photos that I was not sure why they did, one I couldn't even see a dog in it.

But I did come across this photo at I liked the picture but they should of had different dogs and dogs that are linked to the country.  From there I found a better photo of a superdog. (